of green cotton buds and ants in the vast blue sky

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Heh this is fast becoming a ghost journal, at the rate I update it. But seriously, I'm not very inspired. Is it stress? School? Jap! Oh god it must be cos of Jap. urgh.

Anyway some photos i took today. And new things that I discovered.. heheh.
This is just a random shot, but look at the guy in black! I couldn't zoom far enough and he was walkin quite fast so by the time i noticed him and took Scratch` out to snap-snap, that's all i could catch.. Haha he's wearing a red plastic bag wrapped around his head! To shield him from the rain.. it takes all kinds of people.. there's other photos too but i'm kinda lazy right now.

The thing that I discovered was that I like tungsten! If you ever wanna make your skies look bluer than they actually are, rather than the usual orangey tinge i get, try tungsten. It's cooool. *gRin*


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