On the 13th of August, one day before.. I was asked if I'd expected it.

I can't say that I didn't entirely expect it. Rather, that I thought about it, and decided that it was better not to imagine things. If there was, there was - and what a pleasant surprise it was! If not, so be it. I've spent too many of my late teen years wondering why people celebrated everyone else's but mine. And as we grow older, we learn not to have any expectations. They do nothing for us anyway, but bring us down when our hopes aren't fulfilled.
So I'd actually just treated it as a normal ktv outing with my Deer and co, and was really looking forward to it cos my Deer had said she'd sing for/with me. Yippee! And you know what? I think that was the dearest present she'd given me. :)

We had cake, lots of it. Deer remembered my fondness for Prima Deli's yam cake and got it for me! So we each had a quarter of the cake, which is no joke i tell you.

Our mouths filled to the brim with the sweetness of yam and lots of love, they were begging for something salty now and so, we headed for our lunch-cum-dinner. And caught the movie Click after that. A long time since i've watched any movie on weekends, the price is too much for my pockets to take. But we all agreed that the spontaneity in doing things was the best part of it all. :)

The wacky and scandalous family we are.. (My mum saw 外遇's message to me and asked what was that supposed to mean.. haha!) Thank you for the surprise celebration, I'm glad I got to know and feed all of you :)
And on the actual day itself, I'd a small celebratory dinner gathering with my most beloved darlings at Essential Brew. The waitresses were very nice and Muiz loved the smiley fries.. My only regret was that we didn't really take any photos cos it was much too dark.

And here're my gifts:

My 外遇 made this card, wow!

Deer's very pretty card to me. All the pretty kitties! It's amusing how she always worries I won't like cute things, haha.

I know the microphone was definitely my Deer's idea.. hahaha. So sweet lah! *sniffle sniffle* And the wrapping paper is really very cute!
I even had a gift from Elvin Ng! Heeheehee. Yes I know, yes yes yes we all know who it's really from.. but he was playing love songs in his little silver car as he drove by, something along the lines of "i'm all out of love.. i'm so lost without you.." And that is just sooo sweet... Darling darling Elvin! :)

二十二颗相思豆, 是他亲手捡的. 我一颗一颗地数了, 也念了他小小的纸条. 是的, 是二十二颗.

I always thought that if people weren't sure what to get me, they'd get me books. And they did! Though I was really surprised that they'd all three gotten me books, and such lovely books they are too. I know my babes didn't get me books because they didn't know what I'd like though, but because they know what I'll like. All the lovelier and sweeter for their thoughtfulness. My princess meanie was so mean though. She went around slamming all my gifts on the table so that the givers wouldn't be hurt, but hey!! Those're my gifts you're slamming, babe! *gRin*
And as usual, tweety couldn't resist... she likes to think my gifts are hers, and who am i to break her darling little heart, yea?
I never knew you could find such great friends so late in life. But i'm glad I did. And sometimes when i think about my dear friends, I think:
I can't be such a bad person after all.
Or they wouldn't love me so, would they?
Maybe they still would. Cos you know, love's supposed to be unconditional and all that.
Twenty-two is special because I am loved. And it was especially memorable because my brother remembered, and messaged me happy birthday even.
Thank you, my darlings.
Tweety can share all of Ratties' gifts can't she? hee..:) Ratties darling has many sweet darling friends... :)And even Elvin baby wishes Ratties darling a Happy Twenty Two. :)
sminties knows who's ratties' favourite and darlingest friend! *muackz*
Heh Heh...*huggies buggies* big fat tight squeeze!!!!!
wah lao your 22nd birthday looks more fun than my 21st lor. where's the justice??
wah! i can't remember at all what i did for my 22nd birthday. probably slept the whole day at home, haha. have a great 22nd year ahead before it's time to celebrate the next one! =D - kyoko
You are right... love's unconditional.... but of cos.. that's not why I love ya
the real reason is..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Blood is thicker than water.... heee... how can i not love my gege right? heheee
muackz. even if blood is not thicker than water, i'll love you still! who can resist my muiz's mei li.. heehee.
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