The other day, I discovered that in auntie's eyes, muiz and i have these words written on our foreheads.

It all started with that k**** friend of muiz's. For some warped reason, she thinks just cos he's weird and i'm weird that we'll make a good pair and should go on a date to *drumrolls* ....of all places, the cemetery. See what stupid ideas she has?
And cos recently her mum has been thinking that she herself makes quite a good match with k****, having this (pretty good) notion that muiz likes rich guys, muiz told her mum about how she was reserving Mr K for me. And her mum went "啊?! 她不是喜歡帥哥的嗎?"
Sigh. And that was how we discovered that we have "shallow" and "materialistic" written on our foreheads...
Hey! going on dates to the cemetery is a creative idea k!!! and hey! who says i have materialistic written on my forehead??? it shd be "DEMURE".... =))
-fine, tan mu xu rong
eh.. your pix.. are super super tak glam lor. well done xD
hahahaha~~ms fu qian..
wad a happy time u've had~~
i cn see n feel it frm ur fotos~~
bt hey! nv jio~~~~
i supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer long nv go beach le...
nxt time bring me k..
im a deprived kid..dun tink i've built ani sandcastles in my life..@ least up till nw..LOLz~
All the BEST for ur new job^^
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