(: My cammie just finished charging! Or so I hope, i've been charging it since like forever (around 6pm) and there's no indication whatsoever so I figured it should be done. Heh, we took tonnes of photos the past few days with the Japanese students from OPU, in particular, 直樹, 峰 and 裕太.. Poor 裕太 though, i think everybody just kinda neglected him after a while cos.. for some odd reason our group of people just kinda like to flock to one person.. like, for example at the airport, of our group of people i'm the only one who took a lone shot with him! And everybody else was busy taking shots with 峰 instead! haha.. And 寿司-san! He didn't join us for our Tuesday outing.. so we didn't get a chance to take a pic with him..until the airport..and then he disappeared before i even said my last goodbye to him, or took a lone shot with him! 悲しいね...think he looks like a 好人ね。 There's too many photos so i'll just post up the few that I like and actually say something about the times that we had, yea?
First one up on the right, is our group photo taken at some restaurant which didn't serve excellent food. Haha, well i don't like seafood all that much ma.. especially not the way they cook the fish. But my shuai-ge (the guy in black striped polo at the side, don't argue!) liked the fish.. geeez. There's only 6 of the OPU students here, the rest, sushi-san and 2 other girls had to stay and do OT for their internship.. so poor thing, yea?Next.. we have a very 暧昧 shot of 裕太, poor 峰 who looks like he's getting raped.. and 直樹 (峰's supposed 恋人, haha!) 
And here's my masterpiece! Think 峰 looks so shuai here..to be honest, i think this photo is really beautifully taken..Haha so not just the cammie is superb, the photographer (i.e. me!) is skilled too! (Shameless!)
And here they are, playing at the arcade.. Heheh..I still think Piyo and a certain Mr Act-Cute make a very compatible couple.. they even enjoy the same games, wahahahaa..Oh yeah 峰 managed to win a small chipmunk toy playing those scoop games and he later gave it to Piyo when the rest of us didn't want it.. (haha.. of cos who would dare to take it right? Piyo was sitting right next to me le!)

And here you see the prelude to the photo i posted in my previous entry.. i took forever trying to capture that perfect moment (ref previous entry) and still I didn't succeed...inexperienced and wrong settings.. *sob* But they do make a nice series (yep, there's actually more..), yea?

And here's the chipmunk bu4 dao3 wong1 toy that 峰 gave somebody! Haha.. I took this shot with Piyo's cammie, not bad right? Okay I know.. big-headed I admit I am.. anyway i like the matching of the three colours -- orange, blue and green (tho it wasn't exactly done on purpose).

That was taken at the Arts canteen. Before we left for the airport to send them off...And finally we got to the airport after a ride that seemed like forever.. their flight was at 2335 (just like our horrible flight there last December) and we got there near 2200, by which time.. some of them had already gone in.. so.. ;\ All the same, we managed to take a group shot with 寿司さん and 拓美 in the photo as well.. 拓美's the guy in grey at the side, i felt quite bad towards him cos we seemed to have neglected him.. though i know it's inevitable that one or two of them will get neglected, but still.. this was taken with Peiwen's Pentax by the way. 寿司さん's second from the left..And don't you think 峰 and 直樹 look so good in suits? Wooo, i was suitably impressed.. but the reason they're wearing suits is cos.. they went to try durian the previous day and apparently, the smell had permeated their clothings so all they had left were their suits. Haha! And we actually bought durian puffs from Goodwood Park for them to try, not knowing that they'd already tried and condemned it...寿司さんand 峰 especially, had such tortured expressions while eating the puffs, so funny. But they persisted in finishing the puffs, despite my telling them that it was okay, they could just throw it away..Too bad, we forgot to take pics of their expressions eating durian, cos we were so flustered at arriving late..Well actually we also bought kueh from Bengawan for those who didn't wanna try durian puffs..

Another group shot, this taken with my cammie.. Think 寿司さんand 拓美 had gone into the transit area already..whilst 裕太 was busy taking photos with their homestay hosts and all..:) I like this shot, v nice! though a little blurred.. So do Piyo and Peiwen, we all put it as our MSN display pic. But furr thought she looked constipated in it, so funny..and yes, the bear-like guy behind is really...super act-cute! Yeah, i love my cammie! Haha!

Another of my fave shots, 直樹 and I.. Haha, i think our pose looks damn cool. Reminds me of 金城武 with 黒木瞳 in that Golden Bowl drama. Haha! And it's a good pose cos it takes the attention away from the huge difference in our heights, wahahahaa. Oh, Piyo said she was envious of me cos she thinks the guys like me cos i'm v interesting and fun to be with, wahahahaa... though some did say so themselves.. that i'm interesting, not that they like me.. and that my photos with them were all v interesting and fun.. I think that's probably cos I'm not as image-conscious ba. So i end up lookin really dumb in some of the shots, which i ain't gonna post up! I looked so like a monkey...argh. But hey, 直仁 talked ahelluvalot to her whilst he practically chased me and furr away okay! Grrr..

And a final funny-pose parting shot.. i don't wanna post the ones of them in the transit area waving to us.. we'll miss them! They said 裕太 was holding back the tears in his eyes, heheh so cute... Piyo took this with her cammie, there were funnier shots but they're with the students' homestay hosts.. The girl's 裕太's host whilst the guy's 峰's host..
They're back in 大阪 now, safe and sound...峰 even emailed us already! Okay, that's probably cos Piyo started the ball rolling..It took me ages to reply his email, like doing Jap homework okay.. hahaha.. And ends up it's now 3.27am and i haven't studied for my adolescence test at all. Shiiiiiiiiiit. Uploading photos is such a chore..!