I have these friends whom I've known for ages. We seldom keep in touch, but yet we know - that we're always in each other's hearts. And every year without fail, I receive an sms from them on that very day. And secretly inside my heart, I feel myself melting.
And these friends, whom dote on me so. Who never forget me year after year, and always make the effort to keep me in sight and celebrate with me. They don't know though, that the day is special only because they make it so. Really, it's not because of me.
And then this third group of friends, whom I only got to know in the past year. Nevertheless, their antics never fail to make me smile. What with the ugliest birthday card I have ever received, hastily scribbled post-its stuck all over my workstation, the cutest lil' boss who shuffles up and surprises me with a birthday gift (again!), choruses of "Happy Birthday!" from 3 crazily fun project mates, and a magic cup cap that just reminded a friend of me.
What can I say? I'm touched to bits, and I don't know how to express this overwhelming feeling. August the 14th never mattered much to me, but apparently, it did to them. :)
Thank you, my dearest friends.